Thursday, April 21, 2011

Book Club

I decided to join a Book Club.

Can you really claim to be interested in writing if you have never been in a book club?

I don't think so...

I thought it was a neighborhood book club but the hostess was the only neighbor there, except my sister Jenny who used to be in the neighborhood, but moved. So technically...

I mention that because I thought I'd know these people. Despite the fact that I'll talk to any random stranger for hours...about anything... I'm kinda shy... No really, if I haven't met you and I know I'll be seeing you again I'd like to make a good impression.

Our book for the month was

I kept forgetting to go pick up a copy to read so finally Tuesday night at work I looked to see if I could find it online. I found a site with the whole book free to read online and finished reading at 6:45 PM, showered and went to book club at 7:30 PM

I don't know if I was basking in that, "I just finished reading it" glow, or what; but, I felt like the chatty church lady we all try to avoid each Sunday.

I really loved the book, every word felt like it was chosen for its effect on the story. The dialogue between characters captured the random predictability that turns family speak into it's own mysteriously comfortable dialect. I was drawn into each scene by the brilliant use of simile or is it metaphor? I get those two mixed up.

Parts of the book that went on and on about English history and stamp collecting felt like slogging through a muddy English field towards a ramshackle estate that keeps getting farther away each time you look up; but, I think that was part of the charm of the story, the contrast between something as exciting as a stranger murdered in the garden and the deadly dull idea of stamp collecting... wait, maybe that's the metaphor part?

Anyway, I was going off enthusiastically about what I thought it all meant and dropping chunks of strawberry pie down my cleavage and everyone else was, "Meh, we didn't like it that much..."

Hmmm...Welcome to book club?

So have you ever been part of a book club?

What was your experience?


  1. LOL! Sorry, we were rather boring last night. Sometimes we get much more into a good book discussion but I guess none of us liked the book that much. No one thought you were weird or overly talkative just deep, really, really deep; we're not that smart so just smile and nod at our shallow stupidity. ;-)

  2. Yeah, what Jenny said.

    I think our problem was that we all just plain liked it. The book didn't polarize us like some do, so we couldn't get into a good argument, I mean discussion! :)

    Yes, welcome to book club! I'm glad you didn't know that many people, because it will "broaden your horizons" as they say.
